
Many believe that finance and investment particularly, are what drives technology exploitation and are often the only missing (scarce) ingredient for success. The reverse is in fact true, deal flow is the main issue with, too much money chasing too few excellent projects, the norm. There is an abundance of money but very few really well developed projects capable of attracting it. We enable innovators and entrepreneurs to develop and present their projects in such a way that finance organisations and investors can appreciate the opportunity and the team’s credibility in exploiting it.

We maintain close contacts with a range of finance houses, banks and investors through our GPI direct personal relationships and networks. This network includes banks, commercial banks, Seed & Venture Capital Funds and Private Equity Groups. In addition we have relationships with Angel, Corporate and Private Investors throughout Europe. We can ensure that “good” projects well presented have access to the most appropriate range of funding options available.

These contacts remain our contacts and we will not introduce just any project to them. Like everybody we have our reputation to maintain and presenting poorly developed projects would ruin our credibility and reduce our capacity to introduce good projects in the future.